Monday, March 26, 2012

Ten Little Things: Guilty Pleasures...

1. Snack: Cheez-Its and cream cheese. I know, it sounds like a recipe for a quick death but trust have never lived till you have tried it. Dang...I need to go to the store.


2: Song: I know all the lyrics to Gangsta's Paradise by Coolio. What can I say? I'm the kinda G the little homies wanna be like.

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3. Movie: B.A.P.S. Pretty sure this wasn't high on the list of Halle Berry's crowning achievements but man its good for a laugh.


4. Word: Dude. I'm quite fond of this word and I use it often, sometimes inappropriately. Word to the wise: don't use it on your mom. She doesn't like it.


5: Internet: I love to find stupid, funny pictures on Pinterest and post them on people's facebook walls. I think I like it more than actually using Pinterest. It may be the only reason I still have a Pinterest. Hmm...

6: Celebrity: Christopher Walken. You know what this sentence needs? More cowbell.


7. Television: OK...I confess. I still like to watch reruns of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. Sully, its all about Sully.


8. Office Supplies: An empty journal. I geek out over them. Its the first place I migrate to in a bookstore. 

9: Computer: The Sims. Its like my grownup version of a dollhouse. When I get stressed, I go build a house and make the people obey my every whim...I stuff.


10: Drink:  Guinness. Need I say more?

1 comment:

  1. The empty journal thing, I have that too! I am obsessed! I write (sometimes), a few are unfinished list keepers, an agenda or 10 (I'm sure!), and those still empty ones. Glad to see I am not alone!!!
